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[S1E1] What You Want What You Need

In Episode 1 of The English, Lady Cornelia Locke reminisces about the time she spent with a Pawnee man named Eli Whipp. Once upon a time, they had two different goals: she to kill a man for the murder of her child, and he to take back his stolen land. But what one wants is not always what one needs.

[S1E1] What You Want What You Need

I am enjoying this series very much even though I have only watched the first two episodes. Reading a couple of the comments here, and with the conversation Cornelia and Richard had at the table, I realize I need to go back and rewatch the first episode. I immediately caught the fact that the horse was backed up which would have been the correct way to drown the man. I am unsure as to whether the pig or accordion player was shot but I do remember Eli saying something along the lines of the pig could be used for food though it would make since for the accordion player to die. That way there would be no witness as to what happened there. Also, what about the horses left still hitched up to the stagecoach and not being able to fend for themselves in such a dry desolate part of the country.

DWAYNE: You know I knew people would take the stand and sort of be able to say some words about why they felt I shouldn't go to prison. I didn't really have a sense of who would do it and I had no idea what they would say. So but the first person came out and it was my Aunt Pendora. She basically said that I was inquisitive, intelligent and that I had never really been in any trouble before. And she said that ultimately she felt like it was, you know I was raised by a single mother and she felt like my mom couldn't teach me how to be a man. And couldn't teach me what I needed to know to navigate the peer pressure that exerts so heavily on like young black males. And apparently like a man might have been able to do that better.

KAI: Because there's only two options: you can either send him to prison or figure out why he's not really truly guilty. There's nothing in between, about what you do for a kid that committed a crime.

Once you have the photo, you can either walk around more, or speak to your teacher. There is no correct answer to choose with him, so just say whatever and leave class. Outside of class Max will turn on some music as she walks through the halls. There are a lot of optional dialogues you can find here, but your goal is to get to the girls washroom.

Once you do save her, leave the bathroom and you will get caught by the security guard. Eventually the principal will save you from him. Go speak with the principal, and you will be given a few choices. Eventually you will reach a crucial choice, that has lasting repercussions on your game. These choices don't have a right answer, it's whatever you want to pick. Keep in mind you can rewind to see which outcome you like best, but once you decide, you won't be able to change it minutes or hours later.

Once you do decide, head outside. There a lot of people you can now talk to if you want. Of course you can skip all this and just go to the dorms, but if you do want to talk to people, continue reading. As you exit the building, turn left and you can speak to a teacher, who will talk about the security around the school, and ask if you wish to sign a petition. This choice matters, so choose what you feel is best. There are also several students you can talk to here, but their dialogue is all optional.

Speak to her, and she won't pay you much attention cause she thinks you don't even know her. Tell her that her last name is Watson and she will open up about what is going on. Head back down the hall and enter Victoria's room. When you enter, turn right and you will see a collage of pictures. Rearrange them, then take a picture, as this is yet another Optional Photo. You can check various objects in this room, to proceed though you must go on her computer and check her emails, then print off the one that relates to the issue at hand. Bring it back to the girl to have her calm down and let you in the room.

In the next room, you just need to grab your USB stick from her laptop, however if you want there is some more here you can learn. Pick up the pregnancy test near the computer, and she will get mad at you. Rewind time after doing it, then talk to her. There is now an option to say "I heard a rumor about you". This will prompt her to share what has recently happened in her life.

CAROL LAWSON: when you're subjected to that at an early age, you start to learn a lot about humans and recognizing that's your problem. I'm not wrong. That's your problem. I got to slow down what I have to say so I can be clear. But I am right. Just because I stutter doesn't mean I'm wrong.

Episode one begins in his home town, Northwich, where Sirin meets some of his earliest victims - Andrea Yuile, Amber and Amy Bailey. They tell Sirin how he infiltrated their lives and talk about the horrendous fallout of what he did.

[00:03:20-00:03:43] Verrico: I do want to talk about what you're working on now. And specifically, your work in food defense. This is something that really makes a difference for people in their everyday lives. Let's kind of start off with talking about food defense and what does that actually mean? And what's the difference between food safety, you hear food security, and you hear food defense. What's the difference between those?

[00:05:34-00:06:19] Verrico: You're right. We don't hear about this kind of stuff. Wow. That is a staggering figure. I never realized that that was happening quite that often. When one of these incidents happens in the real world, I know your involvement is that you'll be working with the law enforcement and the investigators and all that stuff to learn about what had transpired there. You'll then go into the laboratory and study the incident, kind of trying to replicate everything that happened and look for all of those, you know, places where there could have been, some mitigation efforts. And, so now once you've looked at what has transpired and you've learned everything you can about the compounds that were used and how they were used, then what do you do with that information? How does that go back out to the practical world?

[00:06:19-00:07:38] Cox: So, so it's accidental, intentional and criminal food adulteration incidents occur routinely, right? And you may not hear about them, but they're occurring. And these incidents really provide kind of case scenarios for future intentional adulteration events. And, they also draw attention to the impacts and the toxicities of the compounds for other bad actors or terrorists or disgruntled employees or whoever else that would like to cause some harm. Right? So, what we do is we try to learn from each one of these incidences. We work with the stakeholders like the law enforcement, guys in USDA and FDA. And to get as much data as we can, when one of these events happen. We take that in, we use it to inform our models, and our risk assessments and as well as our laboratory work. So then on the back end, after we do all of this assessment and we've taken in this new data from these different cases. That really allows us to then take that back out to the community at large, through our planning, through our training and interactions with industry to share that, so that they can plan and prepare for future events. And so if something doesn't seem right, they can get ahead of the game, be able to respond more effectively and then save lives on the back end.

[00:09:47-13:26] Cox: So here at S&T we do a handful of things. I'll talk about specifically what my group does, which we spend a lot of our time on risk assessment and food defense modeling and laboratory experiments to help us understand, ingestion threats and things that could pose a problem if they get into the food supply. We're looking at the, what could the chemical contaminants be that could get into our food supply and cause a problem. So, I'm looking at that foundational work. And then if it can get into our food supply, what does that look like? Does it change the taste, smell or texture of those food products and will it make it to the consumer? And if it makes it to the consumer, how many casualties, injuries, fatalities will it cause if it's consumed? And so those three pieces are what I, our work here at DHS S&T for CSAC and the Chemical Threat and Hazard Characterization programs does. We're looking at that baseline research of what are those chemicals. There are, I mean, thousands upon thousands of chemicals that are toxic, that we use every day in our life. So what are those chemicals, those toxic chemicals that we need to focus on? I can't spend hundreds upon hundreds of hours looking at 385,000 toxic chemicals, I've got to prioritize and down select from that. And so we've ran a couple of analysis where we've taken all of those foods that we eat in America and all of the potential chemicals and based on their characteristics and their traits, you know, how stable it is, how what's their toxicity. how soluble is it? Can it get into a food product? All of those chemicals terms, right? And we look at that and we prioritize to say which ones are going to be a problem. And from a huge laundry list, we can then focus down to a smaller chunk of those chemicals. And so that list is what we focus our laboratory, the next piece on. So, we've prioritized all the chemicals and the foods that we eat. And now I've taken it into the laboratory and we start testing, those particular threat agents, in the particular food products that we're looking at. And we see is it soluble? How long does it last? Can you consume a toxic amount in one bite, in five bites, in a serving? What does it look like? And all of that data then gets funneled into our modeling side of things, where we have food defense models made for all of the food products, which includes a ton of data. And that was, this was a huge effort with industry, FDA, USDA, where we were able to get very specific processing data from the industry, mitigation and vulnerability points through USDA and FDA's, threat assessments that they put together. We're able to combine all that and build these wonderful consequence models that really depicts how our foods are handled from the processing point all the way through to consumption. It includes, recall, and mitigation and treatment on the backside of it. So with that, those models can then be used to put these, this new data in, run scenarios and be able to inform and say, these are the scenarios that are the highest risks scenarios that we need to be educating and working with USDA, FDA, and industry to really promote mitigation and, and resiliency against contamination for these types of scenarios and these types of compounds. 041b061a72

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